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1883 Pinot nero
IGP Umbria
Vino proveniente da Uve 100% Pinot Nero maturate ad una quota di 500 metri s.l.m., selezionate attentamente in vigna all’atto della raccolta. La fermentazione avviene in acciaio a temperatura controllata con un breve contatto con le bucce di circa 4 – 5 giorni a seconda della stagione e delle condizioni dell’uva. Finita la fermentazione il vino viene spostato per circa l’80% in piccole botti di rovere provenienti da diversi legni francesi (barriques) dove completa la fase malolattica, seguirà successivamente un breve travaso in chiaro sempre su barriques dove sosterà all’incirca per 8 -9 mesi. La restante parte circa il 20% finirà i processi in acciaio dove completerà la sua maturazione. Solo successivamente dopo varie prove e tasting verranno assemblate le due masse per ottenere il prodotto finale. Dopo questo processo seguirà un ulteriore affinamento in bottiglia per circa 3 mesi.
Wine from 100% Pinot Noir grapes ripened at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level, carefully selected in the vineyard when harvested. Fermentation takes place in steel at a controlled temperature with a brief contact with the skins of about 4-5 days depending on the season and the conditions of the grapes. After fermentation, the wine is moved for about 80% in small oak barrels from different French woods (barriques) where it completes the malolactic phase, followed by a short racking in the clear again on barriques where it will stop for about 8 - 9 months. The remaining part about 20% will finish the steel processes where it will complete its maturation. Only after various tests and tastings will the two masses be assembled to obtain the final product. After this process, further refinement in the bottle will follow for about 3 months.
Wine from 100% Pinot Noir grapes ripened at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level, carefully selected in the vineyard when harvested. Fermentation takes place in steel at a controlled temperature with a brief contact with the skins of about 4-5 days depending on the season and the conditions of the grapes. After fermentation, the wine is moved for about 80% in small oak barrels from different French woods (barriques) where it completes the malolactic phase, followed by a short racking in the clear again on barriques where it will stop for about 8 - 9 months. The remaining part about 20% will finish the steel processes where it will complete its maturation. Only after various tests and tastings will the two masses be assembled to obtain the final product. After this process, further refinement in the bottle will follow for about 3 months.
Maltempo IGP Umbria
Vino Merlot. Colore intenso, tannini equilibrati. La sua persistenza ha le giuste caratteristiche per preparazioni culinarie complesse come carne arrosto aromatizzato e salse varie di carne selvatica
Wine from 100% Merlot. Intense color, balanced tannins. Its persistence has the right characteristics for complex culinary preparations such as flavored roasted meat and various wild meat sauces.
Wine from 100% Merlot. Intense color, balanced tannins. Its persistence has the right characteristics for complex culinary preparations such as flavored roasted meat and various wild meat sauces.
Macchia della Torre IGP Umbria
Vino blend di Chardonnay e Verdicchio, esprimono grande mineralità. Persistente e ottimo per la preparazione del pesce e con piatti di carne come pollo e coniglio.
Blend wine of Chardonnay and Verdicchio, expressing great minerality. Persistent and excellent for preparing fish and with meat dishes such as chicken and rabbit.
Blend wine of Chardonnay and Verdicchio, expressing great minerality. Persistent and excellent for preparing fish and with meat dishes such as chicken and rabbit.
Montione IGP Umbria
Vino ottenuto da due varietà; Sauvignon Blanc per circa il 70% e Verdicchio per circa 30%, uve selezionate in vigna e raccolte in epoche diverse per ottenere il massimo dal punto di vista dell’acidità e dei profumi. La fermentazione avviene a temperatura controllata non superiore ai 16° per preservarne al meglio la caratteristica aromatica. Finita la fase fermentativa segue un affinamento su fecce fini che dura circa 1 mese con continui rimontaggi in assenza di ossigeno per rendere il vino ancora più morbido e piacevole. Seguirà successivamente un periodo di affinamento in acciaio prima dell’imbottigliamento intorno al mese di Aprile.
Wine obtained from two varieties; Sauvignon Blanc for about 70% and Verdicchio for about 30%, grapes selected in the vineyard and harvested in different periods to obtain the maximum from the point of view of acidity and aromas. Fermentation takes place at a controlled temperature of not more than 16 ° to best preserve its aromatic characteristics. After the fermentation phase, an aging on fine lees follows which lasts about 1 month with continuous pumping over in the absence of oxygen to make the wine even softer and more pleasant. A period of aging in steel will then follow before bottling around April.
Wine obtained from two varieties; Sauvignon Blanc for about 70% and Verdicchio for about 30%, grapes selected in the vineyard and harvested in different periods to obtain the maximum from the point of view of acidity and aromas. Fermentation takes place at a controlled temperature of not more than 16 ° to best preserve its aromatic characteristics. After the fermentation phase, an aging on fine lees follows which lasts about 1 month with continuous pumping over in the absence of oxygen to make the wine even softer and more pleasant. A period of aging in steel will then follow before bottling around April.
Villa Murelli IGP Umbria
Vino blend di Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon e Merlot. Vino tipico umbro. Frutti rossi maturi, frutti rossi maturi. Intenso e persistente. Abbinabile facilmente a carni arrostite e piatti principali complessi.
Blend wine of Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Typical Umbrian wine. Ripe red fruits, ripe red fruits. Intense and persistent. Easy to combine with roasted meats and complex main dishes.
Blend wine of Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Typical Umbrian wine. Ripe red fruits, ripe red fruits. Intense and persistent. Easy to combine with roasted meats and complex main dishes.
Senatore Zeffirino Brut
Metodo Charmat (lungo, fino a 8 mesi a seconda fermentazione), blend di Pinot Noir e Chardonnay. Fresco, fruttato e con grande perlage. Perfetto per l'aperitivo.
Charmat method (long, up to 8 months depending on fermentation), blend of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Fresh, fruity and with great perlage. Perfect for an aperitif.
Metodo Charmat (lungo, fino a 8 mesi a seconda fermentazione), blend di Pinot Noir e Chardonnay. Fresco, fruttato e con grande perlage. Perfetto per l'aperitivo.
Charmat method (long, up to 8 months depending on fermentation), blend of Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Fresh, fruity and with great perlage. Perfect for an aperitif.
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